Why Cool Cats?
Cool Cats is a retro dance studio focused on teaching people of all ages how to dance in a fun, positive, and supportive environment. We pride ourselves on conducting lessons in small groups in a space that helps learning.
Our Goals
Cool Cats Rock ‘n’ Roll is dedicated to helping dancers of all proficiency levels Take the Next Step in their dance journey - and understand that this will be something different for every dancer. Whether it is achieving confidence in the first figures learned, having more fun on the dance floor, or serious examination of dance mechanisms and technique, we want to help people achieve the most out of their dancing!
We aim to keep 'retro' dance styles vibrant. We push ourselves to provide the very best for every dancer and to give back the most we can into the greater community. We believe in ongoing training, development, and evaluation for teachers and assistants to improve their skills, knowledge, and qualifications. This involves consideration to both dance and non-dance aspects of teaching so that students will continue to receive the best from their instructors.
Nathan Major - PrincipAL
Nathan has been dancing since 1996 and turned professional in 2002. Nathan is a qualified instructor (Licentiate - Australian Rock ‘n’ Roll Dancesport Council) in a variety of styles, including aerials (lift-work). Nathan competed successfully at State and National level competition and now regularly adjudicates at National events.