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Eddy Mufasa
Rapper from Parma, Italia
Born Komlan Edson Robert Dick to Togolese & Ghanaian parents, Eddy Mufasa debuts
as a songwriter/compositor, before picking up the mic in 2008 to drop gems like ‘’Yom’’ and ‘’Encore’’.
After moving to Italy in 2011, he teamed up with the group "Impact Music" featuring on songs like "Superstar",
"You and Me" (just to name a few…) winning the << Best Video Award >> at the M'BOA 2013 event in Parma.
In year 2016 following his decision to pursue a solo carrier he released the long-awaited EP: "N'DI" which by
the way included a remarkable sample of the song "Lafoulou" in honor to legend ‘’Bella Bellow’’.
A few months later it was the single: ‘’Guitar Love’’ that would really get him established in the game, with TV
channels such as TRACE TV, BEBLACK & MTV showcasing the single’s videoclip; and also, international radios
like: RFI (through the broadcast: ‘’Couleurs tropicales’’ with Claudy Siar) or BBC Radio (with Ata Ahli Ahleba)
hosting him to share his story.
As a reward for that year’s effort, he was unsurprisingly a Nominee in the << Best Artist Diaspora >> category
at the All-Music Awards, the event which celebrates the best performances in Togo.
His repertoire also includes today an album ‘’KETA’’ dropped in 2018, his other EP: SIKA (2021) and a handful
of upcoming singles.
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