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Perth Slam presents a one-off special showcase event - featuring some of our favourite slam poets from the Perth Slam Family.

We've dug into the archives. We're planning to invite over 50 poets to perform a piece at this!

So if you've graced our slam stage over the past five years, let us know if you are keen.

Have you ever been a judge or a punter at a Perth Slam event since we began back in 2016?

Then come along and be part of the spoken power of performance poetry in this diverse parade of short sharp slammy bursts.

And if you've never been to a slam - then you'll love this event! Its a rapid-fire, two-hour, rolling kaleidoscope of spoken word art.

This event is not your normal slam competition but a showcase of slam poetry.

It's a chance for all our slammers to get together and perform without the pressure of tight slam rules and judges. And to have some fun!

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