Duo Decibel System | Exit Stage Left | A night of Post Indie Rock Music

Hailing from the North Coast Village of Cleveland, Ohio, Miss Melvis and John Scully form the core of Duo Decibel System. Equal parts analog noise & electronic ambiance layered over some jazz...some punk...it's a post-rock elixir for broken hearts and ruffled minds.

Miss Melvis (Guitar and Vocals) and John Scully ( Drum Kit, Percussion and Electronics) are veterans of vintage Cleveland underground bands such as The Heathers, Chump, Flat Can Company, Numbskull, Starvation Army and the SLAP Jazz Quartet.

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/duodecibelsystem/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/duodecsystem?lang=en

BandCamp: https://duodecibelsystem.bandcamp.com/

ReverbNation: https://www.reverbnation.com/duodecibelsystem?popup_bio=true

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