Dylan Hathaway | Busking for Bread | An Experimental Indie Alternative Event
Dylan is a young artist who seeks new ways of expressing his struggles and passions everyday in the form of original music. After moving from Connecticut to Washington, Dylan became more introspective and sought self exploration. Throughout the last few years, he has written accounts of social exclusion and anxiety, political and social currents, and personal realizations.
This event will be Dylan's fourth "Busking for Bread" fundraiser, where all
tips are donated to the local Second Harvest Food Bank. Over the past two
years, Dylan has raised over $800 for the organization in this way. Second
Harvest is a very trusted local charity that converts every dollar donated
into five meals for families and individuals in need.
Website: https://www.dylanhathaway.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dylan.hathaway.music/