Scott Steven Erickson | Criteria For Being | A Self-Help Acoustic Accordion, Keyboard, and Ukulele Event

Scott Steven Erickson is originally from Wyoming, but has lived in Olympia, Washington for the greater part of a decade.  He has performed with such acts as The Olympia Free Choir and Lord Franzannian's royal Olympian spectacular vaudeville show. His work has also been featured in The Stranger's Hump! festival.  

Scott's music primarily features accordion, keyboard, and ukulele.  His genre has been described as "self-help acoustic" but might be more conventionally identified as folk or even pop.  He has been performing with a group of musicians since 2015 who have gone by many names including "The Antithesis of Cool" and "The Pop Filters."  On stage you will see them performing songs ranging from tongue-in-cheek pop covers to sentimental originals.  




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