The Orchard Boat are Rob Weule and Beejhan (BJ) Goodfellow taking their gypsy guitar and accordion on a musical adventure through the Jazz, Irish, French and quirky pop music scene. Featuring stunning instrumentals and sublime vocal harmonies, The Orchard Boat sets sail and charters a course delivering a cruise of musical adventure. At times of favourable conditions, 'The Boat' docks and takes on extra crew members to enhance the journey..."Cabin-Boy' Karl Javernig and 'Deck-Hand' Taylor Weule, to name but a few. So pull up a deck chair, sip on a rum cocktail and enjoy the Orchard Boat experience. This week the crew will be bringing you tunes from the 1920s as part of the 'Roaring 20s Festival'. Ahoy! 6:30-8:30pm. Hotel Blue, the Mountains' own 'House of Jazz'.