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Central Florida based group, The Free Whiskey Band, brings an unconventional sound to the stage. Formed in 2019, best friends, Mickenzie Peisher and Adrienne Richards, decided it was time to take their duo ensemble to the next level and form a band. This group of talented individuals have been friends for several years, and it's very apparent in their undeniable chemistry on and off the stage. The love and friendship between this bunch of vibrant, fun loving musicians is infectious and draws the listener into their dynamic sound.

Mike Richards, bass extraordinaire, describes the sound of the band "Think if the tour bus for the Grateful Dead took a wrong turn down a country road, that's Free Whiskey." And if there ever was such a genre that existed, The Free Whiskey Band would live somewhere between a jam-band/blues rock sound mixed with Americana-country undertones.

Currently working on recording their debut album, The Free Whiskey Band is eager to share their original works with their listeners. The album will feature songs written and sung not only by Mickenzie and Adrienne, but the lead guitarist, Daniel Heitz, who also writes and produces his own material. Dan's music has a raw, soulful sound with a sprinkle of good old rock and roll, while Mickenzie and Adrienne write more melodic tunes with beautiful guy-girl harmonies that melt like butter. All members of the band contribute their own unique and stylish sound creating bonafide music unmatched in comparison. There is a sweet, sweet balance between the different songwriters in the band and when performed together, there is no denying that Free Whiskey sound. Come get a taste for yourself!

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